Happy Independence Day!

A special message for ACCJ members from US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel

I would like to wish our friends and partners at the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) a Happy Independence Day on the 246th anniversary of the founding of our great nation. As I look back on my first six months in Japan, we should be proud of what we have accomplished together in advancing US interests in partnership with our closest ally in Asia. Thanks in part to the leadership of the ACCJ, we successfully persuaded the Japanese government to ease entry restrictions and allow business travel and tourism to resume once again. Looking ahead, there is much more to do.

The US–Japan Alliance has much to celebrate as well, as Japanese policy has shifted from protecting and preserving our bilateral security alliance to projecting its strength outward in defense of a free and open Indo–Pacific region. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida warmly welcomed President Biden for their summit in May, underscoring the vital importance of our alliance in upholding democratic values and rallying other countries in defense of a rules-based order. Together, they co-hosted the launch the Indo–Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity with a dozen other founding partner countries. Japan was our essential partner in this initiative, helping to bring partners from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to the table and champion the rules-based economic order in the region.

Nowhere is the challenge to international order clearer than in Russia’s unprovoked and unjust war of aggression in Ukraine. Russia’s invasion threatens peace, prosperity, and the rules-based order established after the Second World War, as it continues to drive global inflation and exacerbate food instability throughout the world.

The response to Russia’s war of choice has been strong, swift, and unified, with the United States and Japan leading more than 140 nations in standing against the Kremlin. The Kishida Administration has matched our actions step-by-step on sanctions and export controls, and has sometimes even been ahead of us. In the face of this challenge, we also enjoy the opportunity to build a more prosperous and secure future. The united response has galvanized the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member nations—and NATO-aspirant countries such as Finland and Sweden—more than any other event in the past decade, and their commitment to the alliance is as firm as ever.

The collective response to Russian military adventurism is already having a ripple effect beyond European shores. With Beijing’s eyes set on Taiwan and dominance in the Indo–Pacific region, we can be sure that the People’s Republic of China is watching carefully to see whether Russia can weather economic and political isolation. As CIA Director Bill Burns recently noted in a May 7 Reuters story, the costs that Russia is bearing is affecting Beijing’s calculation about Taiwan.

The lesson for us to bear in mind is that unity represents a vital strategic asset. It’s what separates us from our authoritarian competitors. At a time when globalization seems to be in retreat, alliances and partnerships with like-minded nations matter. What we do today to leverage the US–Japan alliance to build unity across the Indo–Pacific region over the next three years will define the next 30 years.

We also need to keep our eyes on the situation closer to home. We can provide a better living for the people of our two nations by implementing measures to make our economies more inclusive and by reimagining Japan as a global financial center for the 21st century, in partnership with the United States. Thankfully, we are fortunate to have strong friends at the ACCJ who share our vision, values, and sense of mission. I am confident that, together, we can make the changes necessary to pass along the same opportunities that we enjoyed.

Happy Independence Day. We have a lot to do, so let’s get to work.

Disclaimer: Opinions or advice expressed in the The ACCJ Journal are not necessarily those of the ACCJ.

Rahm Emanuel

US Ambassador to Japan


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